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Renovation: 1970's Detached Dwelling Transformed 

Status: Completed

Brief: The client wanted to transform a 1970's dwelling into a modern looking and performing home. The internal layout was significantly changed, including moving the location of the staircase. This provided more space on both floors, providing additional rooms. A single storey extension to the rear provided the opportunity to create an amazing kitchen/living/dining room. A balcony was created for the master bedroom, providing views across to the farmland opposite the property. The garage was also converted to provide a guest room.

Kitchen renovation, & infill extension

Residential Extension: Kitchen renovation, internal wall removal and infill extension

Status: Completed


When buying their new home the client knew the kitchen would need changing. Through careful designing and discussions with a client who had great interior design ideas, we were able to provide them with a kitchen/living/dining space more fitting for the property. A simple infill extension beneath the master bedroom allowed the client to move their children's playroom and allow them to open up the kitchen/dining area.

Terraced House extension and renovation

Residential Extension: Single storey rear extension, house renovation & garden outbuilding

Status: Completed


Our client came to us wanting more space in their mid-terrace Oxford property. With a great knowledge of the Planning Policies MonkHouse Architect was able to secure approval for a large single storey extension. When combined with changes to the interior layout the property was transformed and they now have a large kitchen/living/dining room, larger lounge to the front of the property, a utlity room and ground floor shower room. They now also benefit from a great garden office within a beautiful garden, designed by Garden Design in Oxford & Nearby Counties | Rory Andrews (

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